Saturday, July 18, 2009

Characters and Casting

After reading Fuddy Meers I examined the possible ways that this show might be cast, especially when it comes to non traditional casting. These are my opinions for casting those actors of varying race/ ethnicity, age, and physical capabilities.

Fuddy Meers makes only one reference to race/ ethnicity throughout the entire script. Richard makes a crack that he’s part Mexican when Heidi says that she’s ” sweatin' like a Mexican whore!” Richard retorts “RICHARD (Offended): Hey, watch it! My mother's half Mexican.” Other than this there is no reference to the race/ ethnicity of these characters and therefore no reason to think that race/ ethnicity have anything to do with the authors intent. There is no hidden agenda making some racial statement. Strictly humor. If the show was cast multiracially, I believe that the original intent would remain intact and that the audience would lose no humorous value. Furthermore if the cast were multiracial I don’t believe that any political statement would be inferred by the audience because of the lightheartedness of this style of comedy.

As far as gender is concerned in Fuddy Meers, there is no message about gender in the script. I believe that Heidi should be played by a woman since it is mentioned that she is a “lady cop” and there is a small to do about that. Other than that gender rolls do not seem to be all that important. I think that if Gertie were played by a male actor that it would be hilarious.

In an academic setting such as Sam Houston State University, finding actors of the appropriate age can often be an issue. The fact that we don’t have many older women to play a woman of Gertie’s age very often makes age an nonissue in and of itself. With the make-up and costume department being as good as they are I do believe that a traditional college aged student could actually play Gertie, given that there were no age appropriate students in the department at the time.

This show presents an excellent opportunity for an actor with a disability. Limping man has a lisp, is half deaf, half blind, and walks with a very defined limp. The only issue is that someone with a disability may be offended if offered the roll strictly because of their disadvantages. However, if the actor doesn’t mind, then I can find no reason it wouldn’t be at the director’s discretion. Other than the obvious character with several disabilities, I think that many of the other characters could be played by actors with any variety of disabilities. Kenny and Heidi do have what seems to be a labored struggle that some may not be capable of but if the physical capability is there, again, director’s discretion.

Over all and in general this show has a myriad of occasions for the use of extremely non traditional casting. It would also make a great show to perform in an academic setting such that we have here at Sam Houston State University.

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