Wednesday, July 29, 2009

City Theatre 2002

City Theatre
Pittsburgh PA
March 2002

Director: Lou Jacob
Set Designer: G.W. Mercier
Lighting Desiner: Andrew David Ostrowski

Some of people in her life would rather hide than reveal the facts of who they are and what parts they play in Claire's life, so each revelation has a less than 100% chance of being disproved later in the play. This tenuousness plus the eccentric nature of the characters is the crux of the comedy in Fuddy Meers. In this production, it works only part of the time.

Ann Miner,

The setting is a blue, cloudscape box by G.W. Mercier, which Andrew David Ostrowski's lights can spangle with stars or saturate with Norman Rockwell warmth. Necessary set pieces (furniture, car) whizz in and out between scenes, with the shadowy crew seeming like the stage-managering part of Claire's Wonderland dream.
Christopher Rawson, Post-Gazette

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